An island nation, in New Zealand and you are never more than 120km from the ocean. For many of us, an outdoor lifestyle is the foundation of our fondest memories. Time at the bach, surfing, sailing, fishing, and relaxing at the beach shape our perspectives and make us who we are as a country. Yet our marine environment is changing. Pollution, how we fish and the amount we harvest are all causing a decline in coastal fish populations.
We have also observed that most New Zealand children are very knowledgeable about our native birdlife – tui, kiwi and pīwakawaka being easy examples. However, this is not the same for the creatures which habit our coastlines.
This is why Turkish Bread has teamed up with the team at LegaSea to bring you the Hi Ika collectible edition. Based on the quintessential card game Go Fish we have developed 24 cards that are being given away free in Turkish Bread pizza base packs. Our objective is to:
- Provide resources that engage the next generation. Encourage our children to learn more about the sea creatures which habit our coastlines.
- This knowledge will see coastal adventures become more animated, vivid, and memorable.
- The cards are bilingual because we want to elevate Te Reo as New Zealand’s only unique language.
Turkish Bread are proud to have zero food waste by being part of Legasea Kai Ika Project. All our seconds are collected and made into meals and or redistributed to families across Auckland. For more information on Kai ika visit:
We also have 24 numbered Instant Win Gold cards randomly hiding inside packs of our 3pk Thin & Crispy with Pizza Ovens and Pizza Bases to Win!
For more information, or contact Blair Johnstone at Turkish Bread on or 027 645 4688, or contact Legasea, or 0800 534273