Looking to sell your business?

Looking to sell your business?

When selling an FMCG business, it’s crucial to consider factors such as brand reputation, customer base, distribution channels, and regulatory compliance. A reputable business broker with experience in the FMCG industry can help you navigate the selling process and find potential buyers who are interested in your business.

Before deciding to sell, it’s essential to assess the value of your business and determine the optimal time to sell. This is where a business value appraisal comes in, which determines the worth of your business, taking into account several factors such as the company’s financial performance, assets, liabilities, industry trends, and market conditions. LINK’s award-winning appraisal tool can help you set a realistic asking price for your business and attract potential buyers.

If you are thinking of selling your FMCG business contact Lynda Smyth at LINK Business today.

For more information, contact:
Lynda Smyth
021 270 4271

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