GREAT SCOTT – Allan Scott Family Winemakers celebrate 25 years

GREAT SCOTT – Allan Scott Family Winemakers celebrate 25 years

rsz_wall_logo (1)This year, acclaimed Marlborough winemaker Allan Scott celebrates the 25th vintage at his namesake Blenheim-based vineyard. Allan Scott Family Winemakers released its first humble blend in 1990, and today creates multiple varieties with heavy demand for their wines in over 12 countries worldwide.

And the latest creations from the family run estate include the gorgeous new Allan Scott “Hounds” Marlborough Pinot Noir 2012, and just in time for summer, the stunning new Allan Scott Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2014.

There is no doubt that this family is contributing to New Zealand’s stellar reputation for beautiful wines, created in a stunning part of the world.

But the love for Allan Scott wine is also strong closer to their roots, with New Zealand residents and ex-pat Kiwis spreading the word that this family-run business really is something special. A recent Trip Advisor review from an international visitor explains that she chose to visit Allan Scott vineyard while here on holiday because of ‘a recommendation from someone I met on the airplane’. And while Allan acknowledges that marketing and brand promotion sure has changed over the years, he still believes “this kind of marketing, word-of-mouth, is the best kind.”

Allan remembers the launch days well. “Our marketing ‘strategy’ back then was about as simple as friends recommending friends recommending friends…,” he laughs.

“We were one of a small number of businesses who made up the first wave of the independent wineries,” he says. “So it was an exciting yet challenging time for me and my wife Catherine.” Allan’s former experience with two significant vineyards armed him with the skills and the industry knowledge to take his own business venture to market.

rsz_scott_familyAll in the family

Twenty-five years, millions of tons of grapes, a restaurant, and an elegant wedding venue later, the business of Allan Scott Family Winemakers requires a few more heads. Allan and Catherine’s estate now provides a career for their three children – all of whom respect the foundations of the business and hope to honour the brand and its values for generations to come.

Allan, Catherine and their adult children Victoria, Joshua and Sara head up the production and marketing management of Allan Scott Wines, alongside a highly-skilled operational team. All three of the Scott siblings grew up within this changing industry and iconic brand, and today their individual skills, strengths and qualifications form a beautiful foundation for the company’s continued evolvement. It’s this unique family business structure – filled with trust, passion and regular doses of humour – that makes Allan Scott a one-of-its-kind company for not only the Marlborough winegrowing region, but also a strong and tight-knit business unit within a challenging international industry.

And there’s certainly no shortage of variety at Allan Scott, which means that whether you’re a social sipper, or a serious wine connoisseur, your wine-loving palate will certainly be pleased. Alongside Allan Scott Estate wines, there is a single vineyard selection of prestige wines, which uses the best grapes and careful cellaring to produce a limited volume of Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Riesling and Pinot Noir, with names like Hounds and Wallops to depict their origin. The winery also retails a popular Methode Traditionnelle range, which includes five bubbles – all produced on site. And the most recent addition to the family holdings is their Scott Base Vineyard in Central Otago.

This modest family has been bringing home the wine awards for years, however the most recent notations are the array of 2014 Cool Climate Wine Show Awards, where the 2013 Riesling, Moorlands Riesling and Pinot Noir, and the 2012 Pinot Noir all claimed a medal. Allan Scott Wine is also a regular fixture in the Air New Zealand Wine Awards and the family’s individual winemakers are enjoying personal accolades as well, with Allan being awarded a 2011 Queen’s Birthday Honour for services to the NZ wine industry, and son Joshua Scott being acknowledged as a finalist in two of the recent Australian Young Winemaker of the Year Awards.

It seems that for the Scott family, mixing business with the frequent drop of pleasure has been nothing short of a recipe for success. We wish them all the best for the next 25!