Donate by EFTPOS this Daffodil Day

Donate by EFTPOS this Daffodil Day

image001 (2)In our increasingly cashless society, charities relying on cash donations from street appeals can be on the losing end of technology advances. Many people simply don’t carry coins and notes in their wallets, instead  paying for everything with EFTPOS or credit card. Well this year, with EFTPOS NZ’s help, some Daffodil Day collectors will be armed with the latest mobile EFTPOS machines so that people who want to donate to the worthy cause, but don’t have any cash on them, can still donate on the spot.

EFTPOS NZ has come on board as an official supporter to help with the most important annual fundraising campaign for the Cancer Society – Daffodil Day.  By being able to provide the street appeal with EFTPOS machines, it creates an opportunity to increase the amount raised, simply by giving people another option to donate.

“It is fantastic to be able to support the Cancer Society, and provide them with the latest payments technology so their collectors can raise more money on Daffodil Day,” says Pete Hansen, General Manager, EFTPOS NZ.  “We’re also delighted to be able to partner with Principal Sponsor, and our long time banking partner, ANZ.  Together we can help raise critical funds and assist the Cancer Society support those in our community affected by cancer.”

Philip Hope, National Manager Development at the Cancer Society, says “there are various ways people can donate to Daffodil Day, either at the collection points, by texting, going online or visiting any ANZ branch to donate.  What EFTPOS NZ is enabling us to do is increase the potential for street donations – for those who would donate, but don’t have any cash on them, or would like to donate more than the loose change they have in their pocket.  By having EFTPOS merchants on the streets  we will no longer miss out on these donations, it is so quick and easy for people to give to the cause.”

And quick and easy is the key – it really is such a simple method of payment.  The mobile EFTPOS machines that will be used throughout the country are not just fast, they’re equipped with ‘tap and go’ technology, so it is as quick as tapping your card on top of the machine and away you go.  Simple as that.  Donate a little, or a lot, it literally only takes a few seconds out of your day to donate.  No more rattling around the bottom of your bag looking for loose change, instead just whip out your EFTPOS or credit card to help the Cancer Society raise much needed funds.

EFTPOS NZ is providing over 60 EFTPOS machines free of charge to collection points throughout the country.  Some will even have a Daffodil Day makeover with bright yellow machines at selected collection points. So please do look out for them this Friday 29 August and donate generously – with your help there is hope.