Aldi plans online shopping for Europe

Aldi plans online shopping for Europe

AldiDiscount supermarket chain Aldi is about to join online retailers with a new launch in the UK. The German-owned market leader has been mulling over an online grocery offer in Europe for many years, but is now said to be working on its first online shop there.

The UK market is considered an ideal test for such a high-profile project since online grocery shopping in the UK has reached levels German retailers can only dream of. About 80 per cent of British shoppers are buying goods online. A study by the Scandinavian logistic service Postnord found that food was ranking in sixth place when it comes to favourite goods purchased online. In 2014, British rival Tesco generated 8 per cent of its Christmas grocery sales online.

Aldi has been pondering the question of e-commerce for years. However, it seems that sceptic regional Aldi managers feared that this may cannibalise business in their stores. There were also concerns that it would be very difficult to guarantee quality standards online as external service providers take on food delivery. Hefty financial investments are required for building an online distribution channel, but Aldi is already hiring online experts and seeking advice from consultants. Country operations in Spain and Portugal, associated with Aldi Nord, may also be in for an online test run.

Meanwhile, in Australia, Aldi has been operating an online liquor shop for the past two years.