Kiwis have shopped responsibly and adjusted well to life under the different alert levels over the last week, with Countdown now removing all product limits in-store and online.
Product limits were put on a number of highly sought-after products when Auckland went to Alert Level 3 and the rest of the country went to Alert Level 2. Countdown’s General Manager of Corporate Affairs, Safety and Sustainability Kiri Hannifin says introducing the limits was the right call to help curb demand, but thanks to Kiwis’ shopping responsibly, they can now be lifted.
“When the changes in alert level were announced, we put the product limits in place to help prevent panic buying and to make sure there was plenty for everyone. While we did see some initial rush for the COVID-19 staples, customers have done a great job of only buying what they need, so thank you,” says Hannifin.
“The difference we have seen between this lockdown and the last one has been massive. Kiwis have adapted to the different alert levels remarkably well – they are shopping normally, looking out for each other and our team, and are taking the safety measures we’ve got in place really seriously. Because of this, we’re really pleased to remove all product limits in our stores throughout Aotearoa.”
Meanwhile, two Countdown stores in West Auckland had to close temporarily for deep cleaning over the weekend after they were visited by a person who later tested positive for COVID-19.
The person visited Countdown in Te Atatū South on August 12 between 3pm and 4pm, and Countdown in LynnMall on August 16 between 4pm and 5pm and again on August 17 between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. The supermarkets, in Lynnmall, New Lynn and Te Atatū South, were closed shortly after 4pm on Saturday and re-opened on Sunday.